Tuesday, April 5, 2011


The other night after the dinner (Sunday) we played a game called Loaded Questions. It got me thinking that I should ask some questions. It won't be every day like the Bible verses, but hopefully a few times a week. Here is the first question.

What is one job you admire, but could never do?


Laura said...

Tough question - I'm thinking

Jane said...

That is a tough question! The first thing that came to my mind was pastor.....lol but I think that I am sort of in that by association! lol...
I guess I admire people who are organized and take care of all administration and have to sit all day! I am not organized and depend on people like that and I also cannot sit all day-- I have to be moving!

Starfall Darling said...

Children's entertainer! Sharon, Lois and Bram were my idols when I was little. But you kinda need to play an instrument to be a rockin' children's performer. :P

Cherylinn said...

Wow, that one is really tough.....I'm working on an answer...

SusanE said...


I have a lifeguard friend who became one. I don't think I could handle dealing with sudden horror as part of my daily life. Sure I know that they do lots of very routine stuff most of the time, but at the drop of a hat, they are faced with the most horrible.

I couldn't do it.