Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back in Ontario

Well, as most of you know, I am back in Ontario.  I have been back for almost two weeks.  My first Saturday back, I was calling for job interviews, and one barn told me to show up on Monday and start working.  I did.  I have worked there for a week and 4 days.  It is a Thoroughbred training centre (Buttigieg Training Centre)  I work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 7 am to 4 pm,  and on Tuesdays I work 7 am to 1 pm.  I have Sundays off.  It is a busy day, but I am kind of glad, because it is good money.  I am still looking for a job closer to home though, as it is a 45 minute drive to where I work now.  Well, that's about it for now.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well, we have made it to Ontario in only two days.  We crossed Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in two days.  Now we are on the long part of the trip.  Tommorow we will go between Wawa and Sault Ste Marie.  Then we will (hopefully) be home Thursday night.  We are staying at moms friends house for tonight (yay, no crappy motels)  Well I am off to look at pictures.  Bye

Long Drive

Yesterday (Monday), we drove from Jasper, Alberta to Yorkton Saskatchewan.  We were on the road from 07:45 to 21:30.  Dad did all the driving.  He said that it felt good to do a marathon drive again.  I just decided to read the book that he brought.  (It was 296 pages)  It is about a man who wanted to climb Mt. Everest and almost died.  it was pretty good.  We stayed at a really crappy motel (those of you who are travelling, never stay at the Redwood Motel).  It was too much money, the bathroom door would not shut, the pillows were lumpy, the room smelled like cigarette smoke, and the cable did not work.  They did have wireless internet though, so I could blog this and keep up with all of you.  We are on to Kenora tonight, so I will try to keep you updated.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Long Day's

So, we wanted to get as much done as we could while dad was here.  Yesterday (Saturday) we drove up to Edith Cavell.  We hiked for about four hours, and got to the first meadow (about a 6 km round trip)  We thougth about going farther, but we could see storm clouds coming in, and we had been warned that the rest was pretty steep.  Then, we went to town, and dropped off bottles at the bottle depot.  After that, we drove up to Maligne lake/canyon, and Medicine lake.  I slept good last night.  This morning, we went to Horseshoe lake, Valley of the five lakes, the museum, and toured around town.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


As most of you know, I have had a rabbit named Charm for the past nine and a bit years.  Many of you remember holding him, watching him, hearing about him.  Some of you remember me bringing him to church, us moving him across the country (New Brunswick to Ontario).  He outlived our other rabbit, but today I got the call.  I had just finished hiking the Edith Cavell meadow hike, and mom called.  She said she had a question for dad, so I gave him the phone and went to drop off the bottle at the depot.  When I got back in the car, dad said, "Charm died two hours ago"  He had a good long life for a dwarf rabbit.  Our other rabbit died at seven, so Charm outlived her by two and a half years.  He was not afraid of the dogs, and was friends with our evil cat.  He let me give him bath's, and run free outide, not caring to run away.  He was the best rabbit you could ask for.  All I wish was that I had been there (one more week and I would have been)Here are some pics of him.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Dad's Visit

So, as most of you know, my dad flew out to Alberta so we could drive home together.  He got in yesterday, I picked him up, and we went out for supper.  Then we did a little touring in town, and came up to the Lodge.  Today, I had to work (my last day :(  Dad had been planning to go for a ride, so he came for the hour and a half ride.  We had two other riders, a woman from New Brunswick, and a woman from England.  It was a pretty fun ride, and I finally made a tip.  (I have not made one since I got back from the backcountry).  The women wanted pictures with us and our emails.  Then in the afternoon, we were not very busy (it was kind of rainy), Alex and I got to go to town and do laundry (for the back country lodge).  We spent sixty four dollars on laundry.  (It was Dave's money).  Then we got Ice Cream, and saw dad, so Alex whistled to get his attention.  He came over and we talked for a while.  Then I went back to work, and then pretty much left.  It was a good last day.  Tommorow we are going to hike the Edith Cavell Meadow, so there should be new pics then.  Goodnight.