Sunday, April 10, 2011

Question 2

Since the last question was too hard for most of you, here is an easier one.

What is an animal that you admire/love but would never own?


Tonje said...

A horse - most probably

Laura said...

My first thought was a horse too. Are you going to disown me?

Starfall Darling said...

An elephant. XD Not for lack of wanting one, really. Just because of lack of storage space! If they were the size of the "house hippos" on that commercial, that would be ideal.

Cherylinn said...

That one is easy.....a gorilla

Jane said...

I would own a horse if I had a barn and a field. Used to love to ride and would love to again!

Country Girl said...

Except for Sarah you guys are all boring...I was thinking Lion or Tiger cause they are majestic and regal, but do not belong in captivity so I would not have one...

Country Girl said...

I guess gorilla is not boring....

Anonymous said...

Eastern Cougar


SusanE said...

Hey Kevin that was my pick:

Eagle (that's bird, but what the heck)
Whale (any kind)